Use my eyes to edit your work.

let me help you Develop your editorial gaze.

I’ll share my eyes.

Have a document that needs some proof-reading and a bit of grammar help? That’s something I can do for you.

Have a proposal, abstract, report, or grant application that’s exceeded the word or character limit? I can help with that, too.

Have some great ideas but a patchy not-yet-there document? I can offer you assistance with that.

Sometimes it just takes a fresh pair of eyes to see what shimmers in a document.

I’ve performed editing work for years — for organizations and individual writers of academic articles, reports, and fiction.

Reach out to check on timelines and to find out where and how to send me your document.

I’ll share my expertise.

Want to develop editing skills so you can work more efficiently on reports, articles, and grant applications?

I can help you build your editing toolkit.

One-to-one editing sessions

I work with writers in one-to-one sessions, looking at the shape of a document, and moving through individual paragraphs to refine at the sentence level.

Roundtable editing in virtual spaces

I facilitate roundtable peer editing sessions for academic and non-fiction documents, where writers share their work and offer supportive feedback.

Style Guide Workshops

Want to learn the style guide basics your publisher or department requires? — Reach out to book a workshop.

To inquire about rates and schedule availability, or to see if I’m a good “fit” for you, reach out via my Contact page.




Low-Carbon Wayfinding